One skin per context/environment in k9sby Romain Manni-Bucau, 2024-03-28
When doing operations it is important to have some visual management to know which environment you are connected to (to not drop the prod). Let see how to setup one skin per environment with k9s, the Kubernetes CLI.
Simple retry until with WGetby Romain Manni-Bucau, 2022-12-21
Awaiting a HTTP resource is a common need in Kubernetes or docker environments, let see how wget helps with that need.
Enable Asciidoctor Rendering with Giteaby Romain Manni-Bucau, 2022-12-02
Asciidoc is likely the best format, as of today, to write any documentation. However Gitea does not support its rendering by default. Let see how to enable it.
A simple bash CLI structure for your automotionby Romain Manni-Bucau, 2022-04-09
We tend to write several scripts to automate repetitive tasks. Let see how to use a simple structure to ease that task.